The 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
The County of Essex has received your feedback and is working on the development of the 2023-2027 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. The consultation period has ended as of June 30, 2022. The plan will outline how the County of Essex will prevent and remove barriers to accessibility, that people with various abilities may face when accessing our programs, services, and facilities. Your input is important as we create this plan to continue to improve on our services to all our residents and staff.
The County of Essex has the current, 2018-2022 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, posted on the County’s public website.
Although the consultation period has ended, the public is always invited to contact the County with any questions or comments related to accessibility in the County of Essex. The Accessibility Coordinator can be reached at or call 519-776-6441 x 1353.
Information is collected pursuant to Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
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