Five Phases of the EA Process
There are five phases in the Environmental Assessment Process. They are:
- Phase 1: Problem or Opportunity
- Phase 2: Alternative Solutions
- Phase 3: Alternative Design Concepts For Preferred Solution
- Phase 4: Environmental Study Report
- Phase 5: Implementation
Each phase has several steps, some of them mandatory, designed to ensure clarity, accountability and public input and participation.
Phase 1: Problem or Opportunity
- Identify the problem or opportunity that needs to be addressed
- If desired, conduct public consultations regarding the problem or opportunity
Phase 2: Alternative Solutions
- Identify alternative solutions to the problem or opportunity
- Select Schedule:
- Schedule A activities are pre-approved and can proceed to Phase 3;
- Schedule B activities are subject to the screening process;
- Schedule C activities are subject to the full planning process of the Class EA
- Inventory natural, social and economic environment
- Identify the impact the alternative solutions on the environment and identify any mitigating measures.
- Evaluate alternative solutions and identify recommended solutions
- Consult review agencies and the public. This is a mandatory step.
- Select and preferred solution
- Review and confirm choice of schedule
Schedule A projects can proceed to Phase 3. A Notice of Completion must be sent to review agencies and the public for other projects and an appeal can be filed with the province within 30 days.
Phase 3: Alternative Design Concepts
- Identify alternative design concepts for preferred solution
- Detail inventory of natural, social and economic environment
- Identify impact of alternative designs on environment and mitigating measures
- Evaluate alternative designs and identify recommended design
- Consult review agencies and previously interested and directly affected public. This is a mandatory step.
- Select preferred design
- Review environmental significance and choice of schedule and revisit if necessary
- Preliminary finalization of preferred design and discretionary public consultation
Phase 4: Environmental Study Report
- Complete Environmental Study Report (ESR)
- Place ESR on public record
- Send Notice of Completion to review agencies and public. This is a mandatory step.
- Send Notice of Completion to ministry ES branch
- There is a 30-day period where an Order can be requested from the Minister:
- Order Granted: Proceed as per the Minister's direction or abandon project
- Order referred to mediation
- Order Denied: Proceed to Phase 5
Phase 5: Implementation
- Complete contract drawings and tender documents
- Proceed to construction and operation
- Monitor for environmental provisions and commitments
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