Warden Highlights County’s Road Repair and Rehabilitation Efforts
The County of Essex is pouring significant resources into repairing and rehabilitating its road network, Warden Hilda MacDonald said in her opening remarks to council on Wednesday.
In the 2024 Budget, Essex County Council has increased spending on its road construction program by $24 million over 2023, she noted.
The warden reminded residents that a major road project is ongoing on County Road 9 at County Road 10 in Amherstburg: a $4.2-million replacement of a bridge over River Canard.
“The intersection of County Road 9 and County Road 10 remains closed as construction continues and detours are clearly marked for approaching traffic,” MacDonald said. “It is impressive to see the new bridge taking shape, but please obey the construction signs and do not venture into the restricted area.”
Residents who spot issues with Essex County roadways, ditches, trails or traffic signals, should call 519-326-8691 or complete the online form at countyofessex.ca/ReportaProblem.
Council Receives Pelee Island Update
Township of Pelee Mayor Cathy Miller provided Essex County Council with an overview of the island community’s attractions and municipal operations.
The single tier, separated municipality is comprised of nine islands in Lake Erie, the best known of which is Pelee Island. It is home to 230 full-time residents and 800 seasonal residents.
Following Miller’s presentation Essex County Council supported a resolution backing the Township of Pelee’s request that it be included in stakeholder consultations or working groups regarding the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change’s 30 x 30 goal.
Council also supported a resolution from the Township of Pelee asking the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to reinstate a program that allows Small Craft Harbours to transfer ownership of harbours to other levels of government.
Five New Positions Added to Handle Increased Work and Responsibilities
Council approved the recruitment and hiring for five new full-time positions in various departments to deal with growth, expanded responsibilities and increased work.
Funding for the positions was approved in the 2024 Budget. The need for the positions was detailed in a report by CAO Sandra Zwiers. Council approved hiring for the following roles:
- An additional shift scheduling clerk at Essex Windsor EMS;
- A second senior planner in Infrastructure and Planning Services;
- A director to oversee Information Technology, which will become a separate department (currently, it’s part of Financial Services);
- An additional assistant director of nursing at Sun Parlor Home;
- A clerk in Legislative and Community Services, where the role will no longer be combined with the director’s position.
New Buyer Expected to Take Over Residential Support Home in Amherstburg
Council has authorized entering into a service agreement with a company that has offered to purchase Heritage Community Residence in Amherstburg.
The home, at 184 Victoria Street, currently provides residential support to 24 occupants, 22 of whom are subsidized by the county through the Residential Services Homes Program. The program provides residential care, assistance with daily living activities and financial support to qualified individuals at 10 residences across the county that have agreements with the County of Essex.
The purchaser of Heritage Community Residence, 1000732973 Ontario Inc., is proposing to continue operating the home as a residential service home, says a report to council.
Fees for Development Related County Services Adjusted
The County of Essex is increasing some planning and development fees to cover increasing costs for these services.
Council adopted a by-law to set fees for 2024 that includes increases in fees for draft plans of subdivision and condominiums, as well as for environmental impact assessment reviews. There are also new nominal fees to cover staff time for extensions to draft plan approval, change of conditions (major and minor) and processing part lot control exemptions.
Subdivision fees, which had remained the same since 2005, are increasing to $3,000 for up to 20 lots/blocks/units, $5,000 for 21-51 lots/blocks/units and $7,000 for more than 50 lots/blocks/units. Environmental impact assessment fees will be based on hourly rates for the experts involved.
County Road 9 Speed Limit at Tunnel Construction Site Reduced to 50 km/h
The speed limit on County Road 9 around the site of tunnel construction by Walker Aggregates Inc. is being reduced to 50 km/h until the work is complete.
Council passed a by-law authorizing the speed limit reduction from 80 km/h to 50 km/h on the section of County Road 9 from immediately south of the intersection with North Side Road to 320 metres north of the intersection with County Road 10.
Walker Aggregates reached an agreement with the county in October allowing it to build a tunnel under County Road 9 to connect its properties on either side. In December, council authorized the creation of a temporary road around the work site to accommodate County Road 9 traffic during the construction.
Warden to Raise Farmers’ Highway 3 Signal Concerns with MTO
Council voted to have Warden Hilda MacDonald send a letter to Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation and area MPPs highlighting concerns raised by the local agricultural community about traffic signals on Highway 3.
Tecumseh Mayor Gary McNamara made the motion, saying he had heard from local farmers that signals warning of impending traffic light changes would be beneficial because it takes time for large trucks hauling significant loads to slow down.
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