The Study: The County of Essex has initiated a Transportation Master Plan study to identify a long-term transportation vision and strategy to achieve the County’s objectives for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods, and to address current needs and anticipated growth to 2053.
The Process: The Transportation Master Plan will be carried out in accordance with Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (Municipal Engineers Association, March 2023), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
The study will evaluate and recommend solutions in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities, stakeholders and agencies. At the conclusion of the Study, the process will be documented in a report prepared for public review.
Your Input is Important: The public is invited to provide comments to help identify transportation related opportunities, issues and improvements. Public Information Centres are planned for future stages of the study to inform the public about the steps involved in the work and to gather feedback on the alternative solutions being considered. Information about future Public Information Centres will be published in local newspapers and posted on the County’s social media channels: facebook.com/EssexCountyOntario and twitter.com/EssexCountyON.
Information and updates about the project can be found at countyofessex.ca/TransportationMasterPlan/.
To submit a comment or question, or if you would like to be added to the Project Contact List to receive future project notices, please contact:
Jerry Behl, P.Eng., PMP, PTOE, RSP1
Manager, Transportation Planning & Development
County of Essex
360 Fairview Avenue West
Essex, ON N8M 1Y6
519-776-6441 ext. 1316
Alvaro L. Almuina, P.Eng. M.Eng. PMP, DCE
Consultant Project Manager
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited
128 Wellington Street W. Unit 301
Barrie, ON L4N 8J6
1-800-265-9662 ext. 4383
Contact Us